Sunday 31 March 2013

It has been a rough winter for me health-wise.  Having been sick with a cold and flu that would not go way for over 2 months - I am now on the mend.  This has kept me out of the water for months so I really feel like I am starting all over again.

I made a commitment to myself to start in earnest April 01 but no time like the present.  I went to workout this morning and had a good one.  No fins - finally!!  It was tiring but I felt great to get back in.

I am really excited about this summer.  It is always an adrenalin boost to be part of a history making event and to share it with 4 other amazing ladies and 2 fantastic coaches - I feel confident that we will be successful.

Since I seem to be back in the 20th Century and have no internet at home - my blogs may be few and far between. But I will do my best to stay in touch - this could be harder than the actual swim LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome track record Colleen. For not having much to say, there is a lot here in your 'About Me' section that leaves me speechless. I will be behind all of you this summer, mostly from a distance, but supporting you just the same. Good luck with your training.
